The Best Productivity Apps For Students

Melike Sommer
Edited by Alyia Nurbhai
Published on
February 8, 2023

Students are often faced with the challenge of balancing their studies with a busy lifestyle. They have to juggle their time between classes, homework, and extracurricular activities and this overload of tasks can be difficult for those who have to do it all on their own. These days, however, staying productive and achieving goals is easier with the help of technology. There are a plethora of productivity apps available that can help students in high school, college, and any other further education stay organized, motivated and focused.

1) Google Calendar: 

This app is a necessity for any student who has several different activities on a regular basis. It automatically syncs with your phone’s calendar and is available on all devices which makes it easy for you to access your schedule no matter where you are. Students can create reminders as well as set up recurring events which will remove the need to manually input them each time they want to add an event in their calendar.

2)  Notion — Organization Hub: 

Notion is by far my favorite productivity app. Notion is an all-in-one tool platform app that lets you create and share ideas in a collaborative space. It has outstanding features such as project management, task management, and document collaboration as well as letting you take notes, track progress, create artistic mood boards and project details with the help of organized examples and templates. 

3) Flora — Focus & Block Distraction:

Flora is an app that helps you stay focused by providing reminders, notifications and other helpful tools to keep your mind on track. This app is designed specifically for the needs of creatives who need an outlet for their ideas but find themselves constantly distracted by social media, or other apps on their phone that may not be as productive as they want them to be.

4) Forest:

Forest is an app that plants a virtual tree every time you complete a task on your list. The more trees you plant, the taller they grow! The app allows students to set goals for how long they should stay off their phones and other distractions. This is a great way to encourage school productivity, as it encourages students to focus on school work and stay away from recreational activities and media. 

5) Trello:

Trello can help students stay organized and prioritize tasks. It can be particularly helpful for school, as these apps allow students to keep track of deadlines, set reminders for school assignments, store notes and research materials in one place for easy access for collaboration with classmates. Additionally, students can use these apps to break down large projects into smaller tasks to make them easier to manage. With the help of productivity apps, school can become more manageable and less stressful!

6) Quizlet:

Quizlet is an online learning tool that creates study sets for students based on words they type in or import from other sources such as Google Docs or notes. If your class has multiple choice quizzes, this app will save your grades. Not only can you create your own flashcard sets, but you can also search and view other sets.


As students, having strong productivity habits can help you with your studies by allowing you to get more done in less time and reach your goals faster. With the help of the right tools, you can be better equipped to stay organized and focused on your studies. Some of the apps discussed in this article are a great way to start. Give them a try today and see how they can help you become more productive and successful! 

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